Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Captain America

Today is my husbands birthday! He is 39 today. The 1969 babies are now the same age. But come around March and I'll be A year older than my Babe, again. His Favorite Super Hero is Captain America. I say the "A" on his head stands for Alfaro. My goal is to loose weight this year so I can be his Wonder Woman, HA-HA-Hee-Hee. HE says, as long as I don't loose the booty he doesn't care how much I loose weight. Well, no problems there. Here are the reasons I fell in love with my Hunk of Beefcake:

10. He's a kid at heart. Actually, he's like Peter Pan and refuses to grow old.
9. He loves his family.

8. He's every bit of the man I fell in love with,
and a little bit more.

7. His eyes twinkle and has a flashy smile when he looks at me.

6. He's a good looking Abuelo.
5. I love our spontaneous road trips.
4. He's a great mechanic and teacher too.

3. He loves the Renaissance as much as I do.

2. He still serenades me with those passionate eyes.
1. I'm lucky to have found my Shrek.
I love You Babe I hope you have a wonderful day, you deserve it.
Ciao for now,

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