Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy 100th Birthday Lucy!

Lucille Désirée Ball (August 6, 1911 – April 26, 1989)

I love Lucy and she loves me.
We're as happy as two can be.
Sometimes we quarrel but then,
How we love making up again.

Lucy kisses like no one can.
She's my missus and I'm her man,
And life is heaven you see,
'Cause I love Lucy, Yes I love Lucy, and Lucy loves me!

I started to think of my favorite episode of I love Lucy. I will share my favorite episode at the end. For now I will share other episodes that made me laugh.

Actually what episode did not make me laugh. She was a true talent and although her character could not sing, she actually could sing.

There are many other episodes that I like, but my all time favorite is the Vitameatavegamin episode. So I'm closing with my favorite episode. Happy Birthday Lucy, you are truly missed.

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