Friday, December 5, 2008

Favorite Book Friday

Since it's the Christmas Season I thought this month I would share my favorite books or movies. I have a favorite short story that gets unpacked every Christmas Season from the holiday boxes. I often forget that I have it until I spot it. I cry every time I get to the end because from the very beginning I feel I know what will happen.

Don J. Black, an LDS author, published The Little Shepherd. However, Margaret E Sangster wrote this story and was first publish in December 1936 in Good Housekeeping magazine. If you can find a copy read it. The back of the book states:
He was just a little shepherd boy--but he was the son of one of the shepherds who heard the angel choir and saw the newborn Christ. All of his ten years had been filled with his father's recollections of that glorious night. Those warm and glowing stories, with their message of hope, made life more bearable for this humpbacked, crippled child.
Now it was the anniversary of the night the heavens shouted for joy. The little shepherd boy was alone in the hills, tending his father's sheep and pondering that miraculous night. He was wishing he could have heard the angels, too. Then out of the darkness of the night came an extraordinary man who changed his life forever.
May you enjoy this book as I do year after year.
Ciao for now,

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